2 Corinthians 3:7-12 in The Passion declares, “Even the ministry that was characterized by chiseled letters on stone tablets came with a dazzling measure of glory, though it produced death. The Israelites couldn’t bear to gaze on the glowing face of Moses because of the radiant splendor shining from his countenance — a glory destined to fade away. Yet how much more radiant is the new and glorious ministry of the Spirit that shines from us! For if the former ministry of condemnation was ushered in with a measure of glory, how much more does the ministry that imparts righteousness far excel in glory. What once was glorious no longer holds any glory because of the increasingly greater glory that has replaced it. The fading ministry came with a portion of glory, but now we embrace the unfading ministry of a permanent impartation of glory. So then, with this amazing hope living in us, we step out in freedom and boldness to speak the truth.”

But wait, there’s more….it keeps getting better! A few verses down in 2 Corinthians 3, verse 18 highlights our inherent promise from the Lord: “We can all draw close to him with the veil removed from our faces. And with no veil we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus. We are being transfigured into his very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another. And this glorious transfiguration comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” This means that the source of our transformation comes from Christ’s glory, and the destination we are brought to is more glory — this happens as a result from gazing upon the beauty and splendor of Jesus Christ.

When we begin to embrace the core of our origin (as we were created in God’s image and likeness as Genesis 1:27 tells us), the eyes of our heart will open to the full revelation of who we truly are in Him. When this happens, we experience an awakening to the Light that has always been and God continues to take us from glory to glory. As we awaken to the true identity of who we really are, the clearer the image and likeness of the Trinity is seen in us as reflected in a mirror, as we share Their likeness and image for we are one with Them.

As we continue to encounter the glory of our true identity, we become more aware who we truly are in the Trinity. Here are some ‘I am’ declarations that reflect the truth of our being. Repeat after me: I know who I am. I brightly reflect the glory of the Lord. I am the salt of the earth. I am the light of the world. I am more than enough. As this happens, we wake up to who we are and who we’re not (false identity). Law will always tell you what you’re not when grace will always tell you who you are.

My prayer for us is to fully awaken to the truth that keeps setting us free and telling us who we’ve always been and will forever be in the eyes of the Father, Son and Spirit.


Pastor Joel


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